Business, Economics, & PPE Internships

Business, Economics, & PPE Internship FAQS


What Do I Have to Do to Fulfill the Internship Requirement?

Students earning degrees in Business Administration, Economics, and PPE, 必须完成相同的三部分实习顺序, 赌博十大靠谱软件强烈建议从大二开始,或者在进入专业后尽快开始.

Students Must: 

1. 参加BUS 2910:实习和职业战略或GS 3001:从大学到职业规划(1学分), 发展与识别和表达优势和技能相关的技能, prepare for the job search, network, interview, and get ready for the workplace; 

2. Work a total of 80 hours at a qualifying internship or other approved work experience; and 

3. Complete BUS 4942 (1 credit), an early career professional development course, which is designed to help students synthesize, demonstrate, and enhance the knowledge, skills, 以及在他们的工作经历和职业生涯中发展起来的能力, 在其批准的实习经历的一个日历年内

Before any student may enroll in BUS 4942, 他们必须向SBGE实习协调员寻求并获得实习或工作经验的批准. 

How Do I Get My Internship or Work Experience Approved?

Fill out the BUS 4942 Internship and Work Experience Approval Form on Handshake. Follow these instructions for help. 

一旦学生提交了表格,SBGE协调员将启动审批程序. First, Handshake会给学生指定的现场主管发邮件, 请他们审查和批准申请上的信息. 然后,SBGE协调员将审查并批准或拒绝申请. 申请将根据以下列出的实习和工作经验要求逐一评估. Following approval, 协调员将解除学生的注册保留,并向学生发送电子邮件通知他们. 一旦学生的实习或工作经历被批准,他们可以注册BUS 4942. 


An internship, in the traditional sense, 一个临时职位(有薪或无薪)是专门为学生提供特定领域或行业的实际工作经验而设计的吗. Many companies still hire interns, 实习对学生来说非常有价值,既可以获得经验,也可以在公司或领域获得潜在的工作机会. For this reason, 赌博十大靠谱软件强烈鼓励每一个能够追求和完成实习的学生. 

We recognize, however, 传统的实习对赌博十大靠谱软件所有的学生来说并不可行,赌博十大靠谱软件希望赌博十大靠谱软件所有的学生都能为职业生涯做好充分的准备. 非实习工作通常为学生提供实践经验和发展机会,同时让他们对自己的角色负责,对于有经济或其他个人限制的学生来说,这是一个更实用的选择. For that reason, in addition to internship experience, 赌博十大靠谱软件接受大部分的工作经验,作为入读BUS 4942的充分准备. 

符合BUS 4942入学要求的实习和工作经验必须: 

  • Total at least 80 hours of work- paid or unpaid 
  • 包括由经理或其他不是直系亲属的现场主管监督,并要求学生对工作负责; 
  • 结合典型的与就业相关的期望(无论是有偿的还是无偿的),比如在团队中工作, regular meetings, performance management, and the like; and 
  • 涉及SBGE课程之间的联系,学生可以在他们的握手申请中阐明这些联系. 

Why Can't I Register for BUS 4942?

Sometimes, 即使学生填写了合适的表格,并成功地获得了实习或工作经历的批准, Banner prevents them from registering for BUS 4942. 这通常是由于管理错误,可以由SBGE实习协调员解决. 如果你知道你在Handshake的实习或工作经历被批准了,你仍然不能注册BUS 4942, contact the Internship Coordinator for assistance.

More often, however, 试图注册BUS 4942的学生没有获得实习或工作经验的批准. 如果你还没有在Banner上填写握手申请表并获得实习或工作经历的批准, you will not be able to enroll in BUS 4942. Complete the application, await approval, and try again.


Read through all of this information first. If you still have questions, 联系你的指导老师(列在你的横幅学位检查的顶部).)他们将能够帮助你确定你的经历是否符合上述要求. 


Note: 在2021年秋季之前,BUS 4942是一门可变的2-6学分课程. 在2021年秋季之前入学的学生将在Banner学位检查中看到他们需要满足BUS 4942的2个学分. Due to the course now being offered as a 1 credit course, SBGE允许这些学生在这一要求中获得较少的学分,只要他们达到大学总学分的最低要求. 你的指导老师会在你的学位检查中添加一个注释. 

赌博十大靠谱软件找实习的问题,请联系 Center for Career and Calling.


Charity Osborn

Associate Professor of Business Law; Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
JD, University of Michigan Law School

Phone: 206-281-2906
Office: McKenna Hall 207

Center for Career and Calling brochures

Your Career Begins Here

职业和职业中心提供专业指导, help with your résumé, job listings, and more.

SBGE student Salma

Building Revenue and a Network

工商管理专业的Salma Aly和她的团队帮助确认了1美元的潜在收入.3 million during her internship with Boeing in Seattle.