


SPU领导人, 教师, 和工作人员, 由大学牧师林博带领, 每个星期一中午聚集在一起祈祷. Begun last summer and continued through fall and winter quarters, 留出时间为赌博十大靠谱软件的校园祈祷, 赌博十大靠谱软件的国家, 这个世界.


一份“可持续发展协议”,为期半天的可持续发展和创造关怀论坛, 于十月在香港特别大学举行, 由J领导.J. 约翰逊Leese, assistant professor of Christian Scripture in the 神学院; Sustainability Coordinator Bethany Davis; and Cher Edwards, associate dean of graduate education in the 教育学院. The event — funded by an SPU innovation grant — brought together stakeholders from across campus to explore, 研究, and collaborate on ways to provide more interdisciplinary and experiential sustainability learning opportunities for 学生. “Because the issues emerging from the environmental crisis are so very interdisciplinary and intersecting with virtually every aspect of human life, 赌博十大靠谱软件认为这是向前发展的良好模式,里斯说。. 吉恩·麦格雷戈, co-director for the Bioregion Washington Center for Undergraduate Education, 为会议提供便利. She has worked with higher education institutions for decades to promote sustainability efforts and curriculum in the Pacific Northwest. 


随着城市日益多样化, the Church and other Christian communities are called to witness to Christ’s love in multicultural and multiethnic surroundings. 西雅图太平洋神学院 hosted a panel discussion over lunch in May for 西雅图 community members, 学生, 牧师, 以及教会领袖如何领导多元化, missional教堂. 在活动中, 哪个也被直播了, Associate Professor of Reconciliation Studies Brenda Salter McNeil and Darrell Guder, professor emeritus of missional and ecumenical 神学 at Princeton Theological Seminary, discussed ways to create diverse and missional教堂 in a conversation moderated by Associate Professor of Missiology David Leong. Attendees also split up into small groups to discuss best practices in multicultural leadership and how to engage neighborhoods and communities, 寻求真相与和解, 完成任务. 


格里高利Reffner, a first-year SPU seminarian and 西雅图 Pacific’s first graduate garden coordinator, joined the work of the undergraduate SPU garden club in tending an organic campus vegetable garden over the summer, a time when it was historically neglected as younger 学生 return home for their summer break. 赏金分给了邻居们.
A $4,000 grant from the Seminary Stewardship Alliance paid for his position. 去年,基督教圣经助理教授J.J. 约翰逊·里斯和其他三位神学院学生, 包括现在的学生托马斯·帕克斯, 申请资助. 它还资助了这部纪录片2月份的放映 看 & 参见:温德尔·贝瑞的肖像. “当有人来到校园, I want them to know that we are serious about the first commandment given to human beings, 照料花园,里斯说。. 她的观点超越了除草、浇水和种植. “在赌博十大靠谱软件所做的任何事情中, we should be environmentally sensitive to the wonderful creation that God has given us,她说。. “We have this unique capacity to have a theological foundation for the work we do in ways that secular communities don’t. There’s so much potential to honor God the creator through our service of the creation.”


四月的冬季讲座, Associate Professor of Theology Brian Bantum examined how Protestant reformers such as John Calvin, 马丁。路德, 他们的白人男性继任者成为了偶像, symbols of Christian faithfulness that shaped the Protestant understanding of what it means to be human and who can reflect God’s image. 鉴于此, Bantum asked the audience to consider what it might mean if we saw artists as holding a vital priestly function in Christian life, responsible for creating new and diverse images of faithful Christians. 每年由SPU的一名教员授课, this lecture — established in 1975 to honor Professor Emerita of Classics Winifred E. Weter — celebrates and upholds the values and heritage of the liberal arts. Bantum’s teaching and research focus on the ways Christian identity is revealed and challenged by the realities of race, 种族, 和性别. 

New research program helps faith communities engage young adults

SPU’s 神学院 at SPU is the only institution in the Pacific Northwest to receive a $1.Lilly Endowment Inc .捐赠500万美元. 帮助西北教会吸引年轻人, working with them to design innovative ministries that support and enrich their faith lives. 捐赠基金是19美元.4 million Young Adult Initiative has established innovation hubs at 12 colleges, 大学, and seminaries across the nation to help congregations as they design and 发射 new ministries with young adults, 23至29岁. 杰夫Keuss, 基督教事工教授, 神学, 和文化, 是西北支点的领头人, 好的赌博软件推荐的五年计划. Pivot已经确定了12个可以合作的教会, helping them better understand the experiences of young adults and working with them to design, 发射, 评估新的部门. The hub will also gather leaders for mutual learning and support. “美国年轻人的基督教信仰.S. is dropping, and church participation among many denominations is declining,” Keuss says. “然而,赌博十大靠谱软件知道聚集的愿望, 精神上的成长, 智力上有挑战, 年轻人非常重视寻找人生的深层目标, as are communities that offer authentic commitments to such emphases. Pivot旨在解决这种脱节.” 

牧师. 丽莎·石原被任命为新牧师

在全国范围内搜索之后,雷夫. Lisa Ishihara was selected to become the University chaplain for SPU, beginning August 1. Director of chapel programs at Biola University for the past 10 years, 石原做过广泛的演讲和教学工作, 她最近还写了一本新书, 通过精神发展的多样性引领变革. Ishihara is also an ordained clergyperson in the Pacific Coast Japanese Conference of the Free Methodist Church and so, 教务长杰弗里·范·杜泽说, “She understands both SPU’s Wesleyan heritage and the changing dynamic of the student body on our campus.在她的新职位上,石原将领导大学部门. Ishihara received her bachelor’s degree from California State University at Fullerton, as well as two master’s degrees from the Talbot 神学院.

波林, 2014年起担任大学牧师, will be returning to his 教师 role as associate professor of Old Testament in SPU’s 神学院.